Welcome to the amazing Class 2!
Our class teacher is Miss Blount and there are 27 wonderful children in our class. Our lovely TA, Mrs Richards also helps in our class.
On this page you will find all the useful information for the year and you can read all about our topic through the dropdown links on this page.
Our PE days for this half term are Wednesday and Friday. Please come in your PE kit on these days.
Reading will now take place as a whole class approach throughout the week.
We will listen to your child throughout the week and remind them to change their books regularly. Please read with your child as much as possible and record their reading in their diary. Please do get in touch if you would like to help with reading - the children love to read to parent/carer helpers!
Homework is a little different this year - it will be given as and when needed, e.g. children found addition of 2-digit numbers difficult and more practice would be beneficial. A hand in date will be given at the time it is handed out.
We use Ready, Steady, Spell by Literacy Counts. Spelling is taught daily through different strategies - there are some fun jingles to help learn some of the new spelling rules which are on display in class! Focus common exception words this half term are: was, said, some, come, when, what, school, once, friend
We use White Rose Maths and this half term will be focussing on Number and Place Value. Click here to go to our Maths page where you can find out what we have been learning and have access to games to support your child at home.
Year 2 End of Year Expectations - this is what your child will be taught throughout the year.
Welcome to the amazing Class 2!
Our class teacher is Miss Blount and there are 27 wonderful children in our class. Our lovely TA, Mrs Richards also helps in our class.
On this page you will find all the useful information for the year and you can read all about our topic through the dropdown links on this page.
Our PE days for this half term are Wednesday and Friday. Please come in your PE kit on these days.
Reading will now take place as a whole class approach throughout the week.
We will listen to your child throughout the week and remind them to change their books regularly. Please read with your child as much as possible and record their reading in their diary. Please do get in touch if you would like to help with reading - the children love to read to parent/carer helpers!
Homework is a little different this year - it will be given as and when needed, e.g. children found addition of 2-digit numbers difficult and more practice would be beneficial. A hand in date will be given at the time it is handed out.
We use Ready, Steady, Spell by Literacy Counts. Spelling is taught daily through different strategies - there are some fun jingles to help learn some of the new spelling rules which are on display in class! Focus common exception words this half term are: was, said, some, come, when, what, school, once, friend
We use White Rose Maths and this half term will be focussing on Number and Place Value. Click here to go to our Maths page where you can find out what we have been learning and have access to games to support your child at home.
Year 2 End of Year Expectations - this is what your child will be taught throughout the year.