
Welcome to Class 5 - our teacher is Mrs Shaw and we have 27 marvellous pupils in our class.


This year, homework will be slightly different and will be given as and when needed. This could be at given time, for example if I feel a child/group of children/the whole class needs more practise on an area of learning after the lesson in school, I will give a related activity as homework. This homework may be a worsheet, or it may be online. Now and again, I may do a one-off homework activity relating to a topic. Any homework given will be written by the children in their school diaries. Please encourage the children to have these in their bags every day.

Children will still be given weekly spellings to practise and are encouraged to spend time reading at home. They can also continue using TT Rockstars to practise their times tables. 
Please also remember to spend time on the KIRFs (key instant recall facts) each term, these can be found attached at the bottom of the page. 



Our PE days for the first spring half-term will be Wednesday and Friday.

Please ensure children come to school in their PE kit on these days.


Children have the opportunity to change their reading books as they need. Please make sure they have their reading books and reading diaries in their bags everyday, so they can be ready to change their books or be read with.

Group Reading will be carried out as a whole class reading session two times a week.

We will read a book together in class each term and the children will also get opportunities to enjoy reading independently in class. Our current class book is: 


Our Castle by the Sea

by Lucy Strange

Useful Information:



If you need to contact me, please get in touch at:  .


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KIRFs (key instant recall facts) for Year 5:


Welcome to Class 5 - our teacher is Mrs Shaw and we have 27 marvellous pupils in our class.


This year, homework will be slightly different and will be given as and when needed. This could be at given time, for example if I feel a child/group of children/the whole class needs more practise on an area of learning after the lesson in school, I will give a related activity as homework. This homework may be a worsheet, or it may be online. Now and again, I may do a one-off homework activity relating to a topic. Any homework given will be written by the children in their school diaries. Please encourage the children to have these in their bags every day.

Children will still be given weekly spellings to practise and are encouraged to spend time reading at home. They can also continue using TT Rockstars to practise their times tables. 
Please also remember to spend time on the KIRFs (key instant recall facts) each term, these can be found attached at the bottom of the page. 



Our PE days for the first spring half-term will be Wednesday and Friday.

Please ensure children come to school in their PE kit on these days.


Children have the opportunity to change their reading books as they need. Please make sure they have their reading books and reading diaries in their bags everyday, so they can be ready to change their books or be read with.

Group Reading will be carried out as a whole class reading session two times a week.

We will read a book together in class each term and the children will also get opportunities to enjoy reading independently in class. Our current class book is: 


Our Castle by the Sea

by Lucy Strange

Useful Information:



If you need to contact me, please get in touch at:  .


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KIRFs (key instant recall facts) for Year 5: