

At High Legh we assess children termly during assessment week.  We use assessments from Smartgrade, which in turn use White Rose Maths assessments and Headstart reading and grammar, spelling and punctuation (GAPS).  The class teacher then uses this assessment to support their assessment judgement and future class teaching. Writing assessment is carried out by the class teacher and writing leader.


We assess children using the following criteria, working below, working towards, expected and working at greater depth; this is in relation to year group National Expectations.  Each term we carry out pupil progress meetings, this is an opportunity for each class teacher to discuss every pupil they have concerns about, with other members of staff.  We inform parents of the child's progress termly, via parents meetings (Oct & Feb), mid term reports (autumn & spring) and a full report in the summer term.  


In addition our own assessments, we also carry out statutory assessments these are:

EYFS baseline assessment (September)

EYFS Foundation Stage Profile (June)

Year 1 phonics assessment (June)

Year 4 multiplication Check (June)

Year 6 SAT's (May)

The results of these assessments accompany summer reports.