Welcome to Class 4


Year 4 are taught by Mrs Cassell and Mrs O'Donnell is our teaching assistant. We have 30 fantastic children in our class. 



Class 4 information

All the information regarding our topic can be found on our topic page.

Year 4 expectations

Class Timetable 


Our PE days are on Tuesday and Thursday. Please send your child in wearing PE kit on these days.


Times Tables

By the end of Year 4, children are expected to know the times tables up to 12. We practise times tables every day in school. Please support your child with learning their times table. This can be done by chanting times tables together or quick recall during the day. Children will also have a TTRS log in inside their diaries. Below are some helpful websites. 

Times Table Rock Stars

Hit the button

Multiplication fishing 


Mental Maths train



Please listen to your child read every day and practise timestables and spellings as regularly as you can. TTRS logins are inside the children's diaries. Spelling books are sent home each week with the spelling patterns we have been learning. Below is a spelling menu with a variety of ways to practise spellings. Other homework will be given when needed to individuals, groups or whole class. You will be notified via email if this is the case. It may not be every week.

Spelling Menu


If you have any questions, please make contact, either by email


 or by phoning the school office to make an appointment.