


Subject Leader- Miss Bloor


Learning another language enriches the curriculum. It nurtures curiosity and deepens children’s understanding of the world. Modern foreign languages give children an additional perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand their own cultures and those of others.

 At High Legh, we have chosen to teach French as our additional language. Our teaching focuses on all aspects of the National Curriculum for Languages and makes cross curricular links to our topics where possible. Children are given the opportunity to communicate in speech and writing and respond to speaker’s thoughts and ideas. We aim to provide the foundation for further learning of languages. 


  The National Curriculum for Languages can be found here


Language Angels Home Learning

Keep French alive at home by using the Language Angels home learning page. Just click the link below and log in to access lessons, songs, games and activities. If you do not know the your child's login information, please contact the class teacher.