Computing Curriculum

Subject Leader - Mrs Price


Computing is developing all the time and rapidly changing the way we live our lives. The ability to use current technologies effectively and to apply these experiences to future technologies is therefore a vital life skill in modern society.

 At High Legh, we have a range of resources to support the teaching of the curriculum.  We have access to hardware including iPads, and laptops and Crumble kits. In addition, each classroom is equipped with a C -Touch TV.  To support the teaching and learning in the classroom, we also have access to a wide range of software including Oktopus, Purple Mash and Python. We make use of many apps both for home learning and learning within school.


  The National Curriculum for Computing can be found here 



We are very proud to have been awarded an online safety certificate from National Online Safety. This shows our continued commitment to Online safety.

Would you like to know more about online safety and how to support you child in an ever changing world?


National Online Safety offer a short online course for parent and carers to support their knowledge with online safety. These are arranged into 2 categories, one aimed at parents of 7-11 years olds the other 4-7 year olds.

The 7-11 course

This short course provides you with an important insight into how children aged 7 to 11 are typically engaging with the online world. It will highlight the common areas where young children’s consumption habits start to change as they gain more independence and what steps parents should consider around smartphone usage, family controls and starting to build an open dialogue.

What’s in the course?

The parent’s course for children aged 7-11 has been split into small, bite-size sections that explain:

• How children are engaging and interacting with the online world.

• How their attitudes and behaviours might change.

• What types of apps and games they might start showing an interest in.

• What safety measures parents should start to consider.

• Where parents can get further advice and support.

At the end of the course, there will be a short quiz testing your knowledge on some of the key points highlighted throughout.


The 4-7 course

This short course provides you with an important insight into how children aged 4 to 7 are typically engaging with the online world. It will highlight the common areas where young children’s interest begins to develop and what initial steps parents should consider around screen time, parental controls and age-appropriate apps.

What’s in the course?

The parent’s course for children aged 4-7 has been split into small, bite-size sections that explain:

• How children are engaging and interacting with the online world.

• How their attitudes and behaviours might change.

• What types of apps and games they might start showing an interest in.

• What safety measures parents should start to consider.

• Where parents can get further advice and support.

At the end of the course, there will be a short quiz testing your knowledge on some of the key points highlighted throughout.

 There are many more quick guides to online safety produced by National Online safety, why not take a look?


In addition, the following E-safety websites may be useful to parents


The site has lots of up to date information for parents regarding the Covid 19 lock down and how to support your child with online safety.


Digital Parenting


Computing Curriculum

Subject Leader - Mrs Price


Computing is developing all the time and rapidly changing the way we live our lives. The ability to use current technologies effectively and to apply these experiences to future technologies is therefore a vital life skill in modern society.

 At High Legh, we have a range of resources to support the teaching of the curriculum.  We have access to hardware including iPads, and laptops and Crumble kits. In addition, each classroom is equipped with a C -Touch TV.  To support the teaching and learning in the classroom, we also have access to a wide range of software including Oktopus, Purple Mash and Python. We make use of many apps both for home learning and learning within school.


  The National Curriculum for Computing can be found here 



We are very proud to have been awarded an online safety certificate from National Online Safety. This shows our continued commitment to Online safety.

Would you like to know more about online safety and how to support you child in an ever changing world?


National Online Safety offer a short online course for parent and carers to support their knowledge with online safety. These are arranged into 2 categories, one aimed at parents of 7-11 years olds the other 4-7 year olds.

The 7-11 course

This short course provides you with an important insight into how children aged 7 to 11 are typically engaging with the online world. It will highlight the common areas where young children’s consumption habits start to change as they gain more independence and what steps parents should consider around smartphone usage, family controls and starting to build an open dialogue.

What’s in the course?

The parent’s course for children aged 7-11 has been split into small, bite-size sections that explain:

• How children are engaging and interacting with the online world.

• How their attitudes and behaviours might change.

• What types of apps and games they might start showing an interest in.

• What safety measures parents should start to consider.

• Where parents can get further advice and support.

At the end of the course, there will be a short quiz testing your knowledge on some of the key points highlighted throughout.


The 4-7 course

This short course provides you with an important insight into how children aged 4 to 7 are typically engaging with the online world. It will highlight the common areas where young children’s interest begins to develop and what initial steps parents should consider around screen time, parental controls and age-appropriate apps.

What’s in the course?

The parent’s course for children aged 4-7 has been split into small, bite-size sections that explain:

• How children are engaging and interacting with the online world.

• How their attitudes and behaviours might change.

• What types of apps and games they might start showing an interest in.

• What safety measures parents should start to consider.

• Where parents can get further advice and support.

At the end of the course, there will be a short quiz testing your knowledge on some of the key points highlighted throughout.

 There are many more quick guides to online safety produced by National Online safety, why not take a look?


In addition, the following E-safety websites may be useful to parents


The site has lots of up to date information for parents regarding the Covid 19 lock down and how to support your child with online safety.


Digital Parenting


Computing Curriculum

Subject Leader - Mrs Price


Computing is developing all the time and rapidly changing the way we live our lives. The ability to use current technologies effectively and to apply these experiences to future technologies is therefore a vital life skill in modern society.

 At High Legh, we have a range of resources to support the teaching of the curriculum.  We have access to hardware including iPads, and laptops and Crumble kits. In addition, each classroom is equipped with a C -Touch TV.  To support the teaching and learning in the classroom, we also have access to a wide range of software including Oktopus, Purple Mash and Python. We make use of many apps both for home learning and learning within school.


  The National Curriculum for Computing can be found here 



We are very proud to have been awarded an online safety certificate from National Online Safety. This shows our continued commitment to Online safety.

Would you like to know more about online safety and how to support you child in an ever changing world?


National Online Safety offer a short online course for parent and carers to support their knowledge with online safety. These are arranged into 2 categories, one aimed at parents of 7-11 years olds the other 4-7 year olds.

The 7-11 course

This short course provides you with an important insight into how children aged 7 to 11 are typically engaging with the online world. It will highlight the common areas where young children’s consumption habits start to change as they gain more independence and what steps parents should consider around smartphone usage, family controls and starting to build an open dialogue.

What’s in the course?

The parent’s course for children aged 7-11 has been split into small, bite-size sections that explain:

• How children are engaging and interacting with the online world.

• How their attitudes and behaviours might change.

• What types of apps and games they might start showing an interest in.

• What safety measures parents should start to consider.

• Where parents can get further advice and support.

At the end of the course, there will be a short quiz testing your knowledge on some of the key points highlighted throughout.


The 4-7 course

This short course provides you with an important insight into how children aged 4 to 7 are typically engaging with the online world. It will highlight the common areas where young children’s interest begins to develop and what initial steps parents should consider around screen time, parental controls and age-appropriate apps.

What’s in the course?

The parent’s course for children aged 4-7 has been split into small, bite-size sections that explain:

• How children are engaging and interacting with the online world.

• How their attitudes and behaviours might change.

• What types of apps and games they might start showing an interest in.

• What safety measures parents should start to consider.

• Where parents can get further advice and support.

At the end of the course, there will be a short quiz testing your knowledge on some of the key points highlighted throughout.

 There are many more quick guides to online safety produced by National Online safety, why not take a look?


In addition, the following E-safety websites may be useful to parents


The site has lots of up to date information for parents regarding the Covid 19 lock down and how to support your child with online safety.


Digital Parenting


Computing Curriculum

Subject Leader - Mrs Price


Computing is developing all the time and rapidly changing the way we live our lives. The ability to use current technologies effectively and to apply these experiences to future technologies is therefore a vital life skill in modern society.

 At High Legh, we have a range of resources to support the teaching of the curriculum.  We have access to hardware including iPads, and laptops and Crumble kits. In addition, each classroom is equipped with a C -Touch TV.  To support the teaching and learning in the classroom, we also have access to a wide range of software including Oktopus, Purple Mash and Python. We make use of many apps both for home learning and learning within school.


  The National Curriculum for Computing can be found here 



We are very proud to have been awarded an online safety certificate from National Online Safety. This shows our continued commitment to Online safety.

Would you like to know more about online safety and how to support you child in an ever changing world?


National Online Safety offer a short online course for parent and carers to support their knowledge with online safety. These are arranged into 2 categories, one aimed at parents of 7-11 years olds the other 4-7 year olds.

The 7-11 course

This short course provides you with an important insight into how children aged 7 to 11 are typically engaging with the online world. It will highlight the common areas where young children’s consumption habits start to change as they gain more independence and what steps parents should consider around smartphone usage, family controls and starting to build an open dialogue.

What’s in the course?

The parent’s course for children aged 7-11 has been split into small, bite-size sections that explain:

• How children are engaging and interacting with the online world.

• How their attitudes and behaviours might change.

• What types of apps and games they might start showing an interest in.

• What safety measures parents should start to consider.

• Where parents can get further advice and support.

At the end of the course, there will be a short quiz testing your knowledge on some of the key points highlighted throughout.


The 4-7 course

This short course provides you with an important insight into how children aged 4 to 7 are typically engaging with the online world. It will highlight the common areas where young children’s interest begins to develop and what initial steps parents should consider around screen time, parental controls and age-appropriate apps.

What’s in the course?

The parent’s course for children aged 4-7 has been split into small, bite-size sections that explain:

• How children are engaging and interacting with the online world.

• How their attitudes and behaviours might change.

• What types of apps and games they might start showing an interest in.

• What safety measures parents should start to consider.

• Where parents can get further advice and support.

At the end of the course, there will be a short quiz testing your knowledge on some of the key points highlighted throughout.

 There are many more quick guides to online safety produced by National Online safety, why not take a look?


In addition, the following E-safety websites may be useful to parents


The site has lots of up to date information for parents regarding the Covid 19 lock down and how to support your child with online safety.


Digital Parenting
