Welcome to High Legh Primary School
On behalf of the Governing Board, I would like to extend to you a very warm welcome to High Legh Primary School and hope that this website provides you with both useful information and a flavour of our school.
Governors and staff are unified in the belief that a good relationship between school and home helps to build a child's confidence and assist their development. We depend upon the co-operation, support and involvement of parents and carers and strive to foster a relationship that doesn’t end at the school gate, but works with you to ensure a good understanding between home, staff and governors for the benefit of our children.
We are a Governing Board of ten which includes the Headteacher, four co-opted Governors, two parent Governors, one LEA Governor and one staff Governor (link to governors page) We are all volunteers, from various backgrounds, with a range of skills providing support and challenge to the Headteacher and school. What unites us is a passion for the school and a strong desire to make High Legh Primary the best school that we can be and to see all our children succeed by providing the best possible education and opportunities for them.
The Headteacher. Leadership team and staff are responsible for the day to day running of the school: the role of the governing board is a strategic one. Our key functions are to:
· set the aims and objectives for the school
· set the policies and targets for achieving those aims and objectives
· monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
· be a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher (a critical friend)
We are committed to making sure that the school’s performance continuously improves, to ensure that legal obligations are met and that the school keeps abreast of the ever changing challenges of the 21st century.
The full Governing Board meet once a term. We also have two committees that meet once a term and as required : the Business Committee (which covers Finance, Personnel and Pupil Support, and Facilities), and the Performance Committee (which covers school performance and the Curriculum).
If you need to get in touch with any of the Governing Board, the best way to do this is through the school office.
Finally, as a Governing Board we are all fully committed to ensuring that High Legh Primary School provides the children with the best possible education in a happy, safe and caring environment and we hope that your children will be very happy at High Legh (as my own children were!)
Nick Gerrard
Chair of Governors
Should you wish to contact Mr Nick Gerrard please go via the office admin@highlegh.cheshire.sch.uk
Welcome to High Legh Primary School
On behalf of the Governing Board, I would like to extend to you a very warm welcome to High Legh Primary School and hope that this website provides you with both useful information and a flavour of our school.
Governors and staff are unified in the belief that a good relationship between school and home helps to build a child's confidence and assist their development. We depend upon the co-operation, support and involvement of parents and carers and strive to foster a relationship that doesn’t end at the school gate, but works with you to ensure a good understanding between home, staff and governors for the benefit of our children.
We are a Governing Board of ten which includes the Headteacher, four co-opted Governors, two parent Governors, one LEA Governor and one staff Governor (link to governors page) We are all volunteers, from various backgrounds, with a range of skills providing support and challenge to the Headteacher and school. What unites us is a passion for the school and a strong desire to make High Legh Primary the best school that we can be and to see all our children succeed by providing the best possible education and opportunities for them.
The Headteacher. Leadership team and staff are responsible for the day to day running of the school: the role of the governing board is a strategic one. Our key functions are to:
· set the aims and objectives for the school
· set the policies and targets for achieving those aims and objectives
· monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
· be a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher (a critical friend)
We are committed to making sure that the school’s performance continuously improves, to ensure that legal obligations are met and that the school keeps abreast of the ever changing challenges of the 21st century.
The full Governing Board meet once a term. We also have two committees that meet once a term and as required : the Business Committee (which covers Finance, Personnel and Pupil Support, and Facilities), and the Performance Committee (which covers school performance and the Curriculum).
If you need to get in touch with any of the Governing Board, the best way to do this is through the school office.
Finally, as a Governing Board we are all fully committed to ensuring that High Legh Primary School provides the children with the best possible education in a happy, safe and caring environment and we hope that your children will be very happy at High Legh (as my own children were!)
Nick Gerrard
Chair of Governors
Should you wish to contact Mr Nick Gerrard please go via the office admin@highlegh.cheshire.sch.uk