School Policies

Should you require a paper copy of a policy please email the office:

Acceptable use policy.docx .docx
Accessibility Plan and Policy.docx .docx
Admissions Policy.docx .docx
Allegations of Abuse Made Against Staff Policy.docx .docx
Anti-bullying Policy.doc .doc
Attendance Policy.docx .docx
Behaviour Policy.docx .docx
Behaviour Principles Statement.docx .docx
Business continuity plan.doc .doc
Capability Policy and procedures for teachers.doc .doc
Charging and Remissions Policy.docx .docx
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.docx .docx
Children with health needs who cannot attend school Policy.docx .docx
Communication Policy.docx .docx
Complaints Policy and Procedure.doc .doc
Curriculum Policy.docx .docx
Data Protection Policy.docx .docx
Designated Teacher for Looked After Children Policy.docx .docx
ECT.docx .docx
Equality Information Statement.docx .docx
Exclusions policy and procedure.docx .docx
EYFS Policy.doc .doc
Freedom of Information Policy.docx .docx
Governors Allowance Policy.docx .docx
Grievance policy and Procedure.doc .doc
Health and safety Policy.doc .doc
Healthy eating and lifestyle Policy.docx .docx
Lettings Policy.doc .doc
Medicine Policy.doc .doc
SRE Policy.docx .docx
Supporting Children with Medical Conditions Policy.docx .docx
Supporting children with medical needs.docx .docx
Whistleblowing Policy.docx .docx