On this page you will find out what we have been learning in maths and have access to games that can be played at home to practise these skills more.
How do Year 2s learn maths?
At the start of Year 2, we use equipment to help us (counters, numicon or Dienes - plastic cubes and sticks to represent the tens and ones within a number). As the children gain confidence they use drawings to help them and use 100 squares. Eventually they will be able to do more maths in their heads. If your child is stuck with a game or homework, encourage them to draw the number or use a 100 square to help them.
Place Value
Counting in 2s
Counting in 3s
Counting in 5s
Counting in 10s
Counting in steps game
Ordering and comparing numbers
Read and write numbers to 100
Addition and Subtraction
Counting on and back
Addition up to 100
Subtraction within 100
Subtraction within 100
Addition and subtraction within 100
Naming 2D and 3D shapes
Symmetry Matching
Symmetry Sorting
Tell and write the time to 5 minutes - digital time
Tell and write time to 5 minutes - pairs
Tell and and write time to 5 minutes - words
Recognising, counting and ordering coins
Making amounts
Multiplication and Division
2 times table
5 times table
10 times table
Practise 2, 5 and 10 times tables
Multiplication and Division
Equivalent Fractions
Fractions of a number
Recognising fractions
Position and Direction
Left and rights
Creating instructions