
Subject Leads: Mrs Louise Tottle and Mrs Jo Price


Reading is at the heart of our curriculum. We believe that through reading pupils have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Reading enables pupils both to acquire knowledge and to build on what they already know. We promote high standards of literacy and develop a child's love of literature through wide-spread reading for enjoyment.

Our love of reading can be seen through our environment. Each class has a reading area, which is full of a wide range of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and topic related books. These books are refreshed regularly and supported by the Cheshire Educational Library Service.

At High Legh we follow Ready, Steady Phonics Scheme and incorporate Dandelion Books to support a child whilst beginning to read. These books are used both at school and at home to develop the early skills of reading. We also send home book band books from our reading scheme to support comprehension and stimulate discussion, this begins when children have completed Phase 2 phonics.  Dandelion readers scheme is also used to further support children in Y1/Y2 who struggle to read and in particular those who have not achieved threshold in Y1 phonics. We also employ a TA in the afternoon to support these children.

Reding newsletters are sent out to inform parents of new books, recommended reads for specific age groups and also to let pupils and parents know what staff are reading. This stimulates many conversations with pupils and parents.

We also have our own library in school, which children enjoy on a weekly basis and the PTA buy new books for each year. Our Year 6 children are partnered with a reading buddy in Year 1. They listen and support them with their reading and help them to select a new text. Parents and the wider community come in to school each day to support readers of all ages.

Outside our school, the School Council have put a Community Book Swap Hut. This is available all year round for all member of the community to add to and exchange. This way we hope to encourage our youngest readers in the village and start a love of books from an early age.


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