
Welcome to

High Legh PTA

Class reps 2023/2024:
Reception - Nicola (07784 076044)
Y1 - Jo T (‪07967 016874‬)
Y2 - Emma and Katie (07977512169 and 07772 784776)
Y3 - Emma O (07867 831946)
Y4 - Jo T (‪07967 016874‬)
Y5 - Simon (07973 860382)
Y6 - Rebecca (‪07884 028094‬)

If anyone wishes to contact the PTA, our PTA Email is: 

Our Instagram Page

The purpose of the PTA is two-fold:


1)            Fundraising

Raise funds on behalf of the school for the benefit of the children


2)            Community

Promote and encourage good relationships and sense of community between parents, children and teachers, and with the local High Legh community

