High Legh Uniform
High Legh Primary School
School Uniform
Children are proud to wear the High Legh uniform and it has many benefits for children, staff, and parents, such as giving children a sense of belonging, making it easier for staff to identify children and for parents to have an easier time not having to choose what their child should wear to school.
Our uniform in class is either a grey: skirt, pinafore dress, trousers, or shorts, with a white polo shirt and a red jumper or cardigan. The polo shirt can be long or short sleeved. School shoes are required to be sensible, plain black shoes; no trainers, no heels or sandels.
Tights can be worn in the colder weather, and these should be either black, grey, white or red. Socks should be grey, black, or white.
In the summer, or when we have hot weather a red gingham summer dress can be worn.
We ask that children do not wear open toed footwear but should wear black school shoes.
On PE days we ask that your child/ren wears their PE kit all day.
PE kit is a black pair of shorts or skort or leggings/joggers and a school PE T-shirt.
Children should wear trainers – no plimsolls as these are not structured enough for sport. In colder weather, rather than black shorts/skort, children can also wear a black pair of jogging bottoms or leggings as well as a red hoodie or school jumper/cardigan.
To keep costs down, we advise buying much of your uniform from supermarkets- the rest can be bought from Touchline which is where our uniform is stocked.
Our uniform can be bought from Touchline in Warrington, you can visit the shop or items can be sent to school to be distributed. See link below:
We do not allow any jewellery other than stud earrings which must be removed for PE lessons.
Hair that is shoulder length or longer should be tied back and should be natural in colour.
We also ask that make up, nail polish and tattoos are not worn in school.
We ask that your child brings a coat to school every day and that this is suitable for the weather at the time- we do go out in the rain and snow.
Please ensure that your child's clothing has his/her name in ALL items, that way we can get items back to you if they get lost.
Our PTA also run a preloved uniform sale, where good quality uniform can be bought for a small donation, please ask your WhatsApp representative for details.