Special Educational Needs Provision


At High Legh Primary School, we value all children equally whatever the differences in their abilities or behaviours and believe that EVERY child is important. We work with children, parents and outside agencies to ensure that special needs are understood and appropriately supported. We also aim to ensure that our pupils at High Legh Primary School gain equal access to education through whatever provision may be necessary.

Our SENDCo is Mrs Caroline Dempsey cdempsey@highlegh.cheshire.sch.uk

We believe it is essential to identify additional needs as early as possible, so if you have any concerns please speak to your child’s class teacher, who will pass information to Mrs Dempsey; this appointment can be made via 01925 753713, or via email to your class teacher. 

 Click here to read our SEND policy

Click here to view our Local Offer

Click here to view our Accessibility Plan


Take a look at the Cheshire East web site called 'Live well', which has information on everything that is available in Cheshire East. 

Follow this link to view the  Cheshire East Local Offer.


Useful web sites for Parents and Carers

https://livewellservices.cheshireeast.gov.uk/Services/1 Cheshire East’s Information, Advice and Support (CEIAS) team provide confidential, free and impartial advice and support to both the parents/carers of children with  SEND and to young people aged 16+ in their own right.  

http://space4autism.com/ Information about ASC workshops and events for children with autism

https://reachoutasc.com/ Resources and support about autism

https://adoptioncounts.org.uk/ Advice and support 

https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/ Dyslexia information and support

https://www.nessy.com/uk/parents/dyslexia-information/ Dyslexia support

https://www.nessy.com/uk/parents/dyslexia-information/9-strengths-dyslexia/ Strengths for people who have Dyslexia

https://www.nessy.com/en-gb/dyslexia-explained/free-learning-resources/dyslexia-explained-ebook Dyslexia information

https://helenarkell.org.uk/about-dyslexia/information-and-advice/parents/ Dyslexia advice

https://dyspraxiafoundation.org.uk/ Dyspraxia information

https://www.autism.org.uk/ Information and support about Autistic Spectrum Condition

https://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/conditions/adhd-and-mental-health/ Information about ADHD 

https://childmind.org/article/what-to-do-and-not-do-when-children-are-anxious/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=When%20Children%20Are%20Anxious&utm_campaign=Weekly-03-05-19 Advice and support if your child is anxious

https://childmind.org/audience/for-families/ Offers a huge range of information and support for children and their families

https://services.eastcheshire.nhs.uk/childrens-speech-and-language-therapy Information on speech and language